Expanding the World
of Spiritual Literature
A spiritual book embodies light. In your reading, you may not feel the light it contains initially, but you still don't give up on it. It does not do so because it has some faith in the messages it contains. Meditating on the words and ideas that the book brings, you finally get some light, for, within the book, there is an incipient reality. If you believe in this invisible reality as you read, you will gain some enlightenment over time. But you have to read the book to assimilate its essence, its quintessence."
– Sri Chinmoy, The Wings of Joy
About iSpirit Book Series
It is no secret that our main goal in creating iSpirit Publishing was to open a new chapter on the history of Spiritual books, to contribute more actively, and expand consciousness in these ever-changing times.
For more than a decade, along with our OMTimes Partners, we have been proud of being the collection of invisible hands that somewhat are quietly weaving meaningful and transformational Information. Together, we have broadcasted this knowledge to the world, openly and broadly, enriching the lives of those that encounter the Information they search for.